Every birder likely has their favorite or at least a list of favorite birding location(s). In my case, the criteria for selecting these areas is often a bit fuzzy. But in the lower 48 states outside of Montana, one particular area usually always rises to the top of the list for me - the Chircahua Mountains of SE Arizona and more specifically Cave Creek and the area around the small berg of Portal.

The lower portions of this area are quite dry, but as elevation increases - to over 9,000' - vegetation in the form of trees becomes prevalent. There were still patches of snow visible when we visited in early April. The mid-elevation portions are mostly an oak/conifer/grassland type. The riparian areas along Cave Creek and its South Fork are dominated by sycamore trees.

Their splotchy white and gray bark mimics in tone the aspen and birch we have in northern climes, but their growth pattern is quite different.The rock formations in the highlands are especially colorful at sunrise and sunset. The small town of Portal, with perhaps several hundred residents, has lodging and eating facilities available which Kathy and I utilized this year.

Excellent birding is available on a morning walk in town and on adjacent roads. This phainopepla male was eying me from the river bridge.

Blue-gray Gnatcatchers are always fun to watch as they flit through the trees gleaning insects from branches.

And then there are the abundant Cactus Wrens. They are always verbose in their efforts to assert territorial boundaries and attract mates.

Hutton's Vireos are a species I don't have much experience with but this one managed to pose a few seconds for me.

Acorn woodpeckers were quite abundant among the sycamore trees in town.

Mexican Jays seemed to be everywhere from low to at least mid-elevations.

Curve-billed Thrashers were perched up on shrubs early in the morning singing their melodious songs .

There are literally hundreds of other species to be viewed and photographed in this wonderful portion of SE Arizona. Rest assured, I shall return!
i set up feeders recently in the same area and i cannot seem to get any birds to show up except the common grey house wrens and doves. there are never any colorful birds that show up other than one with a faint red chest. WHat am i doing wrong?