While the scenery in much of Arizona is some of my favorite in the US, the Avifauna there is also hard to beat. Here are more examples of some pretty neat birds I encountered in Arizona in April!
These Gambel's Quail are probably my favorites! Only rarely can you find them sitting still or perched at a close enough distance for reasonable photo opportunities. At Lost Dutchman State Park east of Apache Junction, AZ, they are on the tame side likely because they are used to many people around. I found a bench out along a desert trail there and sat quietly for a while until these birds hopped up on nearby vegetation and posed for me.

Cactus wrens are usually fairly tame, but this double was an unusual opportunity.

As were these mourning doves sitting on an Ocotilla stem!

Costa's Hummingbirds were pretty common at Boyce Thompson Arboretum.

Cardinals were more accommodating than usual at the same location.

Scott's Orioles had just begun to arrive in AZ while we were there in early April.

Broad-billed Hummers were hitting the feeders frequently at a number of locations.

Black-throated Sparrows are one of my favorites of this group. This was posed for me at the San Pedro National Riparian Conservation Area.

Vermilion Flycatcher's are always an eye-catcher. There is something about those birds species with all of that red plumage!!

These Mexican Ducks are actually a sub-species of the Mallard where the male does not get the fancy breeding plumage.

Bird photography sure does add to my enjoyment of being outdoors!
Your photography sure adds to my enjoyment of being indoors, especially on a cold, rainy day like today.