Ramblings about Birding in
the Helena, MT area, around
Montana and other parts of
the country with occasional
forays into Dragonflies
and Family
19 June 2009
Fairy Slipper Orchids
I searched again today for some fairy slipper orchids and found a hillside with a conifer over story and mostly herbaceous under story that had quite a few of these beautiful flowers in full bloom. So this post is for your viewing pleasure with no additional verbiage to dull the moment.
I am a retired biologist with an interest in most things wild - including birds, dragonflies, and flowers. A passion for digital photography has heightened my enjoyment of nature and allowed me to share outdoor experiences and images with others. Helena, MT has been the home for my wife Kathy and I for several decades.
Birds and Beasleys is a unique art gallery and gift shop. See original works of art done by Montana artists. We are known for our large variety of gifts in a wide range of prices, plus our excellent customer service.
Additionally, we are a wild bird feed and supply house. Find everything you need for your backyard feathered friends, premium birdseed, unique bird houses and feeders. Plus we have lots of information.
Saturday morning bird walks will leave the store at 7:30am from mid-April thru October. Expert birders will lead them and provide a learning experience for novices.
Great find!! Lovely pictures of Orchid flowers... I just love their colors...