This note will consist mostly of bird images I acquired in the month of June. May and June are among the best months of the year for bird pictures because there are opportunities for migrants, the breeding birds are on their territories, and most adult birds are in full breeding plumage. Enjoy!
Cinnamon teal are certainly aply named.

McCown's Longspurs are found on dry, sparsely vegetated prairie sites.

There is no doubt about the ID of American Avocets.

Marbled Godwits are frequently pretty tame during breeding season.

Nesting Black-necked Stilts are hard to miss.

Black-crowned Night-Herons seem to be more common than in past years.

Uplands Sandpipers seem to be quite abundant with our plentiful rainfall and good grass this year.

This Ruffed Grouse was pretty tame and liked to eat the aspen buds on this tree.

The Western Meadowlark is the Montana State bird and everyone's favorite!

Western Tanagers were quite common in the lower elevations this spring during our frequent rainy and cool periods.

This female Violet-green Swallow found a colorful resting place.

Spotted Towhees are common and colorful!

Green-tailed Towhees seem to prefer dry hillsides.

Sparrow's are generally not thought of as being very colorful, but this Nelson's Sparrow image from the NE corner of MT looks pretty sharp to me!!